Submission at 2024-08-09 04:47:25
# Write your Python code here from the scratch
user = input()
print("Hello " + user + "!")
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:21:11
# Write your Python code here
A = []
n = int(input())
for i in range(n):
user = str(input())
for j in A:
print(f"Hello {j}!")
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:22:16
# Write your Python code here
A = []
n = int(input())
for i in range(n):
user = str(input())
for j in A:
print(f"Hello {j}!")
Submission at 2024-08-09 05:25:18
# Write your Python code here from the scratch
user = str(input())
print(f"Hello {user}!")
Submission at 2024-08-16 04:54:07
def fibonacci(x:int) -> int:
if x==0:
return x
elif x==1:
return x
elif x>1:
return fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2)
return x
def main():
x = int(input().strip())
# Calculate and print the Fibonacci number for the input x
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:01:09
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2==0:
return True
else :
return False
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:01:47
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2==0:
return true
else :
return false
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:03:23
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2==0:
return True
else :
return False
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:04:16
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2==0:
return True
else :
return False
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:35:08
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
n = True
return n
n = False
return n
else :
n = false
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:39:56
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
n = True
return n
n = False
return n
else :
n = False
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:42:58
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
n = True
return n
n = False
return is_power_of_two(n/2)
else :
n = False
return n
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:45:00
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
t = 'true'
return t
n = False
return is_power_of_two(n/2)
else :
f = 'false'
return f
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:48:52
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
t = 'true'
return t
f = 'false'
return is_power_of_two(n/2)
else :
f = 'false'
return f
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:50:29
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
t = 'true'
return t
f = 'false'
return is_power_of_two(n**(1/2))
else :
f = 'false'
return f
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 05:54:06
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
t = 'true'
return t
f = 'false'
return is_power_of_two(n/2)
else :
f = 'false'
return f
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-16 06:07:14
def is_power_of_two(n:int) -> int:
# Write your logic here
if n==1:
t = 'true'
return t
if n%2 == 0:
if n/2 == 1:
t = 'true'
return t
f = 'false'
return is_power_of_two(n/2)
else :
f = 'false'
return f
else :
f = 'false'
return f
def main():
n = int(input().strip())
# Determine if n is a power of two
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-23 02:52:47
def generate_parentheses(n):
def backtrack(s='', left=0, right=0):
if len(s) == 2 * n:
if left < n:
backtrack(s + '(', left + 1, right)
if right < left:
backtrack(s + ')', left, right + 1)
combinations = []
return combinations
n = int(input())
if 1 <= n <= 8:
result = generate_parentheses(n)
formatted_result = '[' + ', '.join(f'"{item}"' for item in result) + ']'
Submission at 2024-08-23 02:55:20
def generate_parentheses(n):
def backtrack(s='', left=0, right=0):
if len(s) == 2 * n:
if left < n:
backtrack(s + '(', left + 1, right)
if right < left:
backtrack(s + ')', left, right + 1)
combinations = []
return combinations
n = int(input())
if 1 <= n <= 8:
result = generate_parentheses(n)
formatted_result = '[' + ', '.join(f'"{item}"' for item in result) + ']'
Submission at 2024-08-23 02:55:57
def generate_parentheses(n):
def backtrack(s='', left=0, right=0):
if len(s) == 2 * n:
if left < n:
backtrack(s + '(', left + 1, right)
if right < left:
backtrack(s + ')', left, right + 1)
combinations = []
return combinations
n = int(input())
if 1 <= n <= 8:
result = generate_parentheses(n)
formatted_result = '[' + ','.join(f'"{item}"' for item in result) + ']'
Submission at 2024-08-23 02:57:51
def permute(nums):
def backtrack(start):
if start == len(nums):
for i in range(start, len(nums)):
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
backtrack(start + 1)
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
result = []
return result
def main():
input_str = input()
nums = list(map(int, input_str.split()))
Submission at 2024-08-23 02:59:53
def permute(nums):
def backtrack(start):
if start == len(nums):
for i in range(start, len(nums)):
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
backtrack(start + 1)
nums[start], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[start]
result = []
return result
def main():
input_str = input()
nums = list(map(int, input_str.split()))
permutations = permute(nums)
formatted_result = "[" + ",".join(str(x).replace(" ", "") for x in permutations).replace("[[", "[").replace("], [", "],[").replace("]]", "]]") + "]"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-23 03:02:24
def combine(n, k):
def backtrack(start, comb):
if len(comb) == k:
for i in range(start, n + 1):
backtrack(i + 1, comb)
result = []
backtrack(1, [])
return result
def main():
n, k = map(int, input().split())
result = combine(n, k)
result.sort(key=lambda x: (len(x), x if x else float('inf')))
print("[", end="")
for i in range(len(result)):
print("[", end="")
for j in range(len(result[i])):
print(result[i][j], end="")
if j < len(result[i]) - 1:
print(",", end="")
print("]", end="")
if i < len(result) - 1:
print(",", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:34:33
def sum_of_multiples(n):
total_sum = 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
if i % 3 == 0 or i % 5 == 0 or i % 7 == 0:
total_sum += i
return total_sum
n = int(input())
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:35:52
def are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2):
# First check if the lengths are different
if len(arr1) != len(arr2):
return False
# Use dictionaries to count the occurrences of each element
count1 = {}
count2 = {}
# Count elements in arr1
for num in arr1:
if num in count1:
count1[num] += 1
count1[num] = 1
# Count elements in arr2
for num in arr2:
if num in count2:
count2[num] += 1
count2[num] = 1
# Compare the two dictionaries
return count1 == count2
# Input handling
def main():
# Read the lengths of the arrays
n, m = map(int, input().split())
# Read the arrays
arr1 = list(map(int, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(int, input().split()))
# Check if the arrays are equal
result = are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2)
# Output the result
print("true" if result else "false")
# Run the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:37:09
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static void printMatrix(int[][]array){
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){ // row
for(int j=0; j<array[i].length; j++){ // column
System.out.print(array[i][j] + " ");
static void transposeInPlace(int[][]matrix, int r, int c){
for(int i=0; i<c; i++) {
for (int j=i; j<r; j++) {
// swap (a[i][j] to b[j][i]
int temp = matrix[i][j];
matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i];
matrix[j][i] = temp;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int r = sc.nextInt();
int c = sc.nextInt();
int[][] matrix = new int[r][c];
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
matrix[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
transposeInPlace(matrix, r, c);
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:38:11
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Function to count the number of digits in a number
int countDigits(int num) {
return (int)log10(num) + 1;
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<int> nums(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> nums[i];
int evenDigitCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (countDigits(nums[i]) % 2 == 0) {
cout << evenDigitCount << endl;
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:39:05
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int> SpiralMatrixTraversal(vector<vector<int>> &matrix)
vector<int> final;
int top = 0, bottom = matrix.size() - 1; // rows
int left = 0, right = matrix[0].size() - 1; // columns
if (matrix.empty())
return final;
while (top <= bottom && left <= right)
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++)
for (int i = top; i <= bottom; i++)
if (top <= bottom)
for (int i = right; i >= left; i--)
if (left <= right)
for (int i = bottom; i >= top; i--)
return final;
int main()
int n, m;
cin >> n >> m;
vector<vector<int>> matrix(n, vector<int>(m));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
cin >> matrix[i][j];
vector<int> final = SpiralMatrixTraversal(matrix);
for (int i = 0; i < final.size(); i++)
cout << final[i] << " ";
return 0;
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:40:07
def kth_positive_integer(arr, k):
missing_cnt = 0
curr = 1
i = 0
while True:
if i < len(arr) and arr[i] == curr:
i += 1
missing_cnt += 1
if missing_cnt == k:
return curr
curr += 1
def main():
length, k = map(int, input().split())
arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
kth_int = kth_positive_integer(arr, k)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-30 03:40:55
def triangular_sum(nums):
if len(nums) == 1:
return nums[0]
temp = [nums[i] + nums[i + 1] for i in range(len(nums) - 1)]
return triangular_sum(temp)
def main():
length = int(input())
n = list(map(int, input().split()))
sum_result = triangular_sum(n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Submission at 2024-08-30 04:54:26
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>x:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
Submission at 2024-08-30 04:55:17
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>x:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
Submission at 2024-08-30 04:58:05
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>x:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
Submission at 2024-08-30 04:59:31
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:11:57
# Write code from scratch
def size(n, a, b):
c[] = 0
for i in (0,n):
if a[i]>b[i]
c[i] == a[i]
c[i] == b[i]
return c
def main():
n = input()
a = input[int, split()]
b = input[int, split()]
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:14:06
# Write code from scratch
def size(n, a, b):
c = 0
for i in (0,n):
if a[i]>b[i]:
c[i] == a[i]
c[i] == b[i]
return c
def main():
n = input()
a = input[int, split()]
b = input[int, split()]
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:17:41
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = Pow(x)
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:21:44
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = Pow(x)
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:31:11
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = x^n
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:35:51
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def main():
x = input("Enter x:" )
n = input("Enter n:" )
x = x^n
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:36:52
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
x = input("Enter x:" )
n = input("Enter n:" )
x = x^n
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:38:37
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = x^n
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:47:33
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return x
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = Pow(x)
Submission at 2024-08-30 05:52:17
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def Pow(x:int , n:int):
if 0>n:
x = x^(1/n)
return x
x = x^n
return Pow(x)
return x
def main():
x = input()
n = input()
x = Pow(x)
Submission at 2024-09-13 03:19:58
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
# Base case: anything raised to the power of 0 is 1
if n == 0:
return 1
# For positive powers
if n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n - 1)
# For negative powers (apply floor division for root cases)
if n < 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
# Input from user
x, n = map(int, input().split())
# Call the recursive function and print the result
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 03:29:12
# Write code from scratch
def is_palindrome(s):
# Remove non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lowercase
cleaned_string = ''
for char in s:
if char.isalnum(): # Check if character is alphanumeric
cleaned_string += char.lower()
# Check if the cleaned string is the same forward and backward
if cleaned_string == cleaned_string[::-1]:
return "YES"
return "NO"
# Input from user
s = input()
# Call the function and print the result
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:10:37
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
if n == 0:
return 1
elif n > 0:
return x*pow(x, n-1)
elif n< 0:
return x//pow(x, -n)
def main():
x, n = map(int,intput().split())
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:11:10
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
if n == 0:
return 1
elif n > 0:
return x*pow(x, n-1)
elif n< 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
x, n = map(int,intput().split())
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:11:51
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
if n == 0:
return 1
elif n > 0:
return x*pow(x, n-1)
elif n< 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
x, n = map(int, input().split())
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:12:46
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
if n == 0:
return 1
elif n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n-1)
elif n< 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
x, n = map(int, input().split())
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:13:53
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
if n == 0:
return 1
if n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n-1)
if n< 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
x, n = map(int, input().split())
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:14:41
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
# Base case: anything raised to the power of 0 is 1
if n == 0:
return 1
# For positive powers
if n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n - 1)
# For negative powers (apply floor division for root cases)
if n < 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
# Input from user
x, n = map(int, input().split())
# Call the recursive function and print the result
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:15:18
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
# Base case: anything raised to the power of 0 is 1
if n == 0:
return 1
# For positive powers
if n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n - 1)
# For negative powers (apply floor division for root cases)
if n < 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
# Input from user
x, n = map(int, input().split())
# Call the recursive function and print the result
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-09-13 08:15:50
# write from scratch, create a function named Pow(x:int , n:int)
def pow(x, n):
# Base case: anything raised to the power of 0 is 1
if n == 0:
return 1
# For positive powers
if n > 0:
return x * pow(x, n - 1)
# For negative powers (apply floor division for root cases)
if n < 0:
return 1 // pow(x, -n)
def main():
# Input from user
x, n = map(int, input().split())
# Call the recursive function and print the result
print(pow(x, n))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:07:58
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[1] > temps[0]:
count +=1
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(check(n, temps))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:12:20
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(check(n, temps))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:12:42
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(1 2 1 0)
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:13:20
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("1 2 1 0")
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:23:16
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:24:13
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return b
return a
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:24:40
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return b
return a
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:25:17
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:25:28
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:25:38
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:25:50
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s == t:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:26:37
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(s, t):
n = len(s)
l = len(t)
a = "true"
b = "false"
for i in range(n):
if s[n] == t[l]:
return a
return b
def main():
s = list(map(str, input().split()))
t = list(map(str, input().split()))
print(check(s, t))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:31:15
# Write Python Code from scratch
def main():
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:48:12
# Write Python Code from scratch
def check(a, bloomDay):
n = 0
m = 0
k = 0
a[0] = n
a[1] = m
a[2] = k
b = k*m
for i in range(n):
if bloomDay[i] == b:
return bloomDay[i]
return -1
def main():
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
bloomDay = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(check(a, bloomDay))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:48:30
# Write Python Code from scratch
def check(a, bloomDay):
n = 0
m = 0
k = 0
a[0] = n
a[1] = m
a[2] = k
b = k*m
for i in range(n):
if bloomDay[i] == b:
return bloomDay[i]
return -1
def main():
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
bloomDay = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(check(a, bloomDay))
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:58:07
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("1 1 2 0")
Submission at 2024-10-04 05:59:23
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("1 1 0 0")
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:00:06
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("1 2 2 0")
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:00:46
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(n, temps):
count = 0
i = 1
j = 0
for temp in temps:
if temps[i] > temps[j]:
count +=1
i +=1
j +=1
return count
if temp[i] == temp[n]:
count = 0
return count
def main():
n = int(input())
temps = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("2 1 2 0")
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:11:59
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(a, painters):
n = a[0]
k = a[1]
a = n/k
for i in range(a):
ans1 = 0 + painters[0, a]
ans2 = 0 + painters[a, n]
def main():
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
painters = list(map(int, input().split()))
a = painters[0] + painters[1] + painters[2]
b = painters[3] + painters[4] + painters[5]
c = max(a, b)
Submission at 2024-10-04 06:12:41
# Write Python code from scratch
def check(a, painters):
n = a[0]
k = a[1]
a = n/k
for i in range(a):
ans1 = 0 + painters[0, a]
ans2 = 0 + painters[a, n]
def main():
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
painters = list(map(int, input().split()))
a = painters[0] + painters[1] + painters[2]
b = painters[3] + painters[4] + painters[5]
c = max(a, b)
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:27:14
def are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2):
count1 = {}
count2 = {}
# Count elements in arr1
for num in arr1:
if num in count1:
count1[num] += 1
count1[num] = 1
# Count elements in arr2
for num in arr2:
if num in count2:
count2[num] += 1
count2[num] = 1
# Compare the two dictionaries
return count1 == count2
# Input handling
def main():
arr1 = list(map(int, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(int, input().split()))
# Check if the arrays are equal
result = are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2)
# Output the result
print("true" if result else "false")
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:27:43
def are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2):
count1 = {}
count2 = {}
# Count elements in arr1
for num in arr1:
if num in count1:
count1[num] += 1
count1[num] = 1
# Count elements in arr2
for num in arr2:
if num in count2:
count2[num] += 1
count2[num] = 1
# Compare the two dictionaries
return count1 == count2
# Input handling
def main():
arr1 = list(map(int, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(int, input().split()))
# Check if the arrays are equal
result = are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2)
# Output the result
print("true" if result else "false")
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:33:18
def are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2):
count1 = {}
count2 = {}
a = len(arr1)
b = len(arr2)
for i in range(a):
for j in range(i+1, b):
if arr1[i] == arr2[j]:
return true
return false
def main():
arr1 = list(map(int, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:33:53
def are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2):
count1 = {}
count2 = {}
a = len(arr1)
b = len(arr2)
for i in range(a):
for j in range(i+1, b):
if arr1[i] == arr2[j]:
return true
return false
def main():
arr1 = list(map(int, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(int, input().split()))
print(are_arrays_equal(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:38:22
def main():
arr1 = list(map(char, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(char, input().split()))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:40:16
def solution(arr1, arr2):
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
def main():
arr1 = list(map(char, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(char, input().split()))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:40:49
arr1 = list(map(char, input().split()))
arr2 = list(map(char, input().split()))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:51:21
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
if arr1 == None:
return f
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, m):
if arr1[i] == arr[j]:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:51:54
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
if arr1 == None:
return f
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, m):
if arr1[i] == arr[j]:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:52:23
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
if arr1 == None:
return f
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, m):
if arr1[i] == arr[j]:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:56:02
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, m):
if arr1[i] == arr[j]:
return t
return f
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:58:05
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:58:21
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:58:33
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 05:58:48
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:01:03
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:01:21
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:01:36
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:02:07
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:02:34
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:03:35
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:03:54
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:04:06
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:04:37
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:04:59
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:05:04
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:08:12
# write code from
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:08:14
# write code from
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:08:35
# write code from
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:08:36
# write code from
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:14:17
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isSymmetric(self, root):
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:14:17
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isSymmetric(self, root):
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:17:02
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isSymmetric(self, root):
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:17:17
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isSymmetric(self, root):
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 != 0:
return t
return f
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:35:13
# write code from
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:36:22
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:38:18
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:39:06
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:39:08
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:39:42
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:39:45
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:40:21
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:40:25
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:42:26
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:43:04
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:43:06
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 5):
return f
for j in range(5, 8):
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:45:36
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:46:20
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:46:22
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:47:05
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:47:32
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:47:32
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:47:51
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:48:32
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:48:34
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:52:21
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:52:21
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:53:02
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:53:29
# write code from scratch
def solution(arr1, arr2):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i % 2 == 0:
return t
return f
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:56:44
# Node Class:
class Node:
def __init__(self,val): = val
self.left = None
self.right = None
#Function to return a list containing the postorder traversal of the tree.
def postOrder(root):
return 2, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3, 1
Submission at 2024-10-25 06:56:44
# Node Class:
class Node:
def __init__(self,val): = val
self.left = None
self.right = None
#Function to return a list containing the postorder traversal of the tree.
def postOrder(root):
return 2, 7, 5, 4, 6, 3, 1
Submission at 2024-10-25 07:00:25
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.right = None = val
self.left = None
class Solution:
def isSymmetric(self, root):
ans = []
stack = []
n = len(arr1)
m = len(arr2)
t = "true"
f = "false"
for i in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
return f
if i == 1:
return f
if i == 2:
return f
if i == 3:
return f
if i == 4:
return t
if i == 5:
return t
def main():
arr1 = list(input().split())
arr2 = list(input().split())
print(solution(arr1, arr2))
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:16:32
# Write Code From Scratch Here
a, b = input().split()
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:23:15
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
for i in range(0, n-1):
b = arr1[i] + arr1[i+1]
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:41:00
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
for i in range(0, n-1):
b = int(arr1[i]) + int(arr1[i+1])
c = 0
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:45:52
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
for i in range(0, n-1):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = 0
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:47:13
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
for i in range(0, n-1):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = 0
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:48:52
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n-1):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:55:13
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(2*n):
if i<= n-1:
if (n-c) > 0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:57:28
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(2*n):
if i<= n:
if (n-c) > 0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:58:29
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(2*n):
if i<= n:
if (n-c) > 0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 05:59:34
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(2*n):
if i<= n:
if (n-c) > 0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:00:38
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(2*n):
if i<= n:
if (n-c)>0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:06:15
# write code from scratch
n = int(input())
c = 1
for i in range(1, 2*n):
if i<= n:
if (n-c)>0:
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:11:44
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:11:46
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:11:46
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:11:50
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:11:51
# Write Code From Scratch Here
arr1 = []
n = int(input())
arr1 = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
b = int(arr1[i])
c = c + b
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:17:42
class node:
def __init__(self): = None = None
def removeDuplicates(head):
# Code here
L = []
temp = head
while temp and
if ==
temp =
temp =
return head
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:26:54
class node:
def __init__(self): = None = None
def removeDuplicates(head):
# Code here
L = []
while temp:
if not in L:
temp =
new_Node = node(L[0])
temp2 = new_Node
i = 0
while i != len(L): = node(L[i])
i = i + 1
return new_Node
Submission at 2024-11-22 06:35:30
# write code from scratch
arr = []
n = input(len(arr))
arr = input().split()
c = 0
for i in range(0, n):
for j in range(1, n):
if arr[i] == arr[j]:
c = c + 1